Thoughts on stopping time


Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about stopping time. I had a surreal time-stopping experience performing at the Spiral Jetty earlier in September.  I wrote all six movements of Michael Pisaro’s Within 6 onto my arms, and slowly walked the entire spiral for 90 minutes, performing one note at a time.  Many people were out at the artwork that day, it was a UMFA sponsored Spiral Jetty meet-up.  Mostly, they walked right past it, and out onto the salt and to the edge of the lake.  Many stopped there.  Children climbed on the rocks.  There was a snake!  Only one little girl and I saw it – I just nodded at her that I saw it too, and don’t worry!!  Apparently my sound was so strange out there, bouncing off the nearby mountains.  Just quiet tones, slowly paced but insistent, and all the silence between them.  For me, it was a crucial day, both artistically and personally, and although I felt like my world might be falling apart, it didn’t, I slowed it down, I stopped it, looked at it, listened to it, enjoyed it all: the heat, the sun, the salt, the sounds and especially the presence of time moving.  Eventually Devin joined my performance with percussion works, first a Pauline Oliveros Sonic Meditiation, which quietly overlapped my tones from a distance, at that point I began a David Dunn piece PLACE, slowly walking the spiral in the other direction, unwinding myself, recording the sounds of the environment and my footsteps, and I joined Devin and quietly played the recording back, while he continued with Xenakis Rebonds for our now gathering audience.  Music is about stopping time.  I am always able to stop time when I play.  I know this now for certain.  Then we drove home and time started again, and it was a bizarre picking-up-the-pieces few months for one reason or another, but the pieces are back together!

My songs: Lady Lucille

In light of this ongoing life and music collaboration with Devin, I have been thinking about finally releasing all of my songs.  Over a decade ago now, and just before we had kids (June just turned 10 this month), in 2007, we made an album of my Lady Lucille songs at Matt Boynton’s Vacation Island studio in Brooklyn.  The songs are just love songs, heartache songs and stories I had been writing forever, the band is named after my grandma, Lucyle Woods Pack.  I performed them with many friends in places like Zebulon and Monkeytown in Brooklyn, we even made it to SXSW in Texas, it was a great time and I loved singing.
I’m really proud of these songs, and I’d love for you to listen to them, so I don’t end up being a lost-to-history Sibylle Baier or Connie Converse, whose children find my songs and think their mom is crazy and publish them much later in life.  I’d rather put them out now.  Now is the time.

Listen/Space Commissions Vol 1 is here!

Thank you amazing people for pre-ordering books of scores and recordings from our Listen/Space Commissions.  Thank you André Cormier for the enormous amount of work designing the books.  We are almost done, next step, PRINT, next step publish on Frog Peak, next step LIBRARIES OF THE WORLD!!